The Benefits And Drawbacks To Witness Evidence

Even children have learned to appreciate the benefits and drawbacks to witness accounts. For instance, children welcome supportive statements from friends, but despise statements from snitches. In a courtroom, a snitch’s honesty is respected. Still, the court strives to determine the veracity of the account given by any of the witnesses.

Times when a witness’ account proves most valuable

• It offers information on what was happening in the moments leading up to a given accident.
• Statements in the account could provide insight as to the nature of a collision.
• A witness could state whether or not a traffic light was green, red or yellow before each of the vehicles that collided actually entered a given intersection.
• Witnesses can testify to the actions taken by a driver that has disappeared from the scene of an accident.

At times a witness’ account might conflict with the statement made by the plaintiff or one of the other witnesses.

In such a situation, the plaintiff’s lawyer would want to get a feeling for how clearly the witness saw what was taking place. Where was he or she standing at that particular time? Did the person that witnessed the event usually wear glasses or contact lenses; were those being worn on that particular day?

Any witnesses need to acknowledge the fact that a certain amount of time has passed since the event that triggered the filing of a personal injury claim. A good Injury Lawyer in Cambridge can make use of that fact, when seeking to evaluate the veracity of a witness’ account. Some people have better memories than others.

No person can alter the location from which he or she viewed a particular accident. No person can reduce the amount of time that might have passed since an event that led to the filing of a personal injury claim. Yet anyone can make a point of being honest; on the other hand, some witnesses have been known to offer false testimonies.

Experienced lawyers have learned how to deal with the latter sort of witnesses. Those lawyers understand how to reach an answer to this question: Is this witness’ account creditable? Their skills can prove most helpful in situations where not all the witnesses’ accounts are in agreement.

That situation might arise in a courtroom where two parties involved in a traffic accident point their fingers at each other. There could be two witnesses, with no two of them offering the same story. Then an attorney would need to examine the facts presented in each of the stories. It could be that one of the witnesses had been a passenger, and had left one of the colliding vehicles before the police arrived. That is always a possibility.
