Slip and Fall

Cambridge Slip and Fall Accident Lawyers

Slip and fall accidents are a common occurrence in Ontario Province, especially during the winter months when the roads and walkways are icy and slippery.  These types of accidents can happen just about anywhere – in parking lots, on stairways, any uneven surface.  In many slip and fall accidents, BLFC Injury Law Firm finds the property owner responsible for the condition that led to the person’s injuries.  If you’ve been injured by slipping or tripping and falling on someone else’s property, an experienced personal injury lawyer in Cambridge team can help.

What causes Slip and Fall Accidents?

Every year, hundreds of people wind up in hospital emergency rooms because they’ve sustained injuries by slipping or tripping and falling.  Injuries can vary from just a couple of bumps and bruises to traumatic brain injuries and even death.  The causes of slip and fall accidents can be just as varied and result from:

  • Exposed obstructions – another one of the more common causes of slip or trip and fall accidents are exposed obstructions such as boxes, cables, and wires.
  • Inappropriate footwear – if the shoes you’re wearing are not appropriate for the surface you’re walking on, you could get injured by slipping and falling. For example, you could easily slip and fall in areas where grease and water have spilled on the floor of a café or restaurant.
  • Spills that don’t get cleaned up – this is one of the more common causes of slip and fall accidents and typically occurs inside restaurants or retail establishments when a liquid spill doesn’t get mopped up or a “wet floor” sign isn’t posted to alert customers.
  • Surface issues – pitting, potholes, uneven walkways, or wet floors can all cause you to slip or trip and fall. These accidents can happen indoors and outdoors.
  • Weather-related hazards – this is one of the more common causes of slips and falls in the Greater Toronto Area, especially when winter brings rain, ice, and snow. Because business owners and homeowners are obligated to keep their properties maintained and safe for customers and visitors, they could be held responsible for any accidents that occur on their properties.

With years of combined experience and knowledge in personal injury law, BLFC Injury Law Firm is always prepared to negotiate a settlement in a slip and fall case.  Your injury lawyer in Cambridge will discuss the circumstances of your case and provide the legal advice you’ll need.  We use all of our resources to ensure that a strong claim is filed against the defendant, to help you get the much-needed compensation.

If you or a loved one was recently injured by slipping or tripping and falling on someone else’s property and feel that the property owner is at fault, we are here to see you get the compensation you’re entitled to.  To learn more, contact BLFC Injury Law Firm at your earliest convenience.